1. Why?
We believe when the world is our classroom for life, there's no GREATER scope to truly learn while living...
2. What?
Initially our collection was created into a living library for families who travel periodically or permanently. On closer inpection, Worldschool Tribe Collection has tranformed into a wonderfully fun and adventure based collection with books, planners, journals and games for inquisitive and creative content for empowered "Experiential Learning" to use with most learning lifestyles, Gameschool, Worldschool and Roadschooling.
3. How?
Purpose driven learning is key when engaging the mind and energy of an individual. And, it doesn't have to be bossy, repetitive or drab! Worldschool Tribe are exposed to new concepts and skills using tactile, creative and well rounded content for a holistic approach. Resources and events align perfectly to promote curiosity, active learning, life skills while having FUN, from the second cycle of life (7+).
The why, what, and how, lives in our unique resources, events, and philosophy, offering up an experiential approach for our tribe to live and learn with joy, discovery and purpose.
The Power of Purpose: Igniting Minds and Energy Through Meaningful Learning
In the vast landscape of learning, we often encounter individuals with varying levels of engagement. While some of us are naturally inquisitive and energized, others may struggle to find purpose and motivation within certain settings. This disparity often stems from a fundamental disconnect: the absence of a clear, compelling reason for learning such content. Purpose-driven learning, however, offers a transformative solution, unlocking the potential of individuals by igniting their minds and energizing their spirits.
Engaging the Mind and Aligning with a Philosophy for Learning: Why It's Crucial
Learning is not just about acquiring information; it's about transforming ourselves through knowledge and experience. This transformation happens most effectively when we actively engage our minds and align our learning journey with a guiding philosophy. When we actively engage our minds, we become active participants in the learning process. Instead of passively absorbing information, we question, analyze, synthesize, and connect ideas with our existing knowledge. This active engagement leads to deeper understanding and retention.
Learn While Living, Loving the journey -Philosophy In Action-, is an active philosophy, which embodies a holistic approach for living and life learning. Entwining memorable moments, experiences and overall well being.
Why is aligning with a philosophy for learning crucial?
Direction and Purpose: A learning philosophy provides a framework for our learning journey. It defines our principles, goals, and priorities, guiding us towards a specific path of knowledge acquisition and overarching values.
The Power of Purpose: Why Knowing Your 'Why' Is Essential for Learning
Learning is a lifelong journey, a constant quest for knowledge and the ability to be equipped in as many settings as we desire and commit to. But what truly drives us to embark on this journey? The answer lies in the powerful concept of "purpose". Understanding why we learn, having a clear objective, fuels our motivation, fuels our dedication, direction and ultimately makes the learning process more enriching and impactful.
Worldschool Tribe proudly, goes far beyond the pages, so our Tribe may take the information and activities within, and then tranfer them into actionable steps for real world / real life application and situations. Resulting in becoming better equipped to tackle life, and ideally develop many interdisciplinary skills to equip.
Interdisciplinary Skills in our focus: Adaptability, Flexibility, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Innovation, Enticed by Topics, Global Perspective, Lifelong Learning Mindset, Organising & Planning, Problem Solving Techniques, Survival skillset, Worldly Wise, Think On Ones Feet, while happily "Learn While Living, Loving the journey..."
The cohesive collection was created with the above in mind, so to grasp real connections that make a difference, in-turn initiating important life skills while venturing on limitless journey's that inspire and energise each learner, from 7 years and beyond. The journey's within, may be utelised in the thick of it-Worldschooling / Roadschooling, from your home coupled with any cirricullum, for the fun of it, and to ultimately prepare -one's life journey.
Founder Addy Marie: Her intentional learning journey travelling the world began in the 80's. From her's, then with her sons' Worldschool adventures from 2016, they've designed and developed the cohesive collection called, "Worldschool Tribe Collection" which is a mix of old classic learning applications and modern pathways to guide and to engage in local and diverse global knowledge.
Moving forward Worldschool Tribe has 2 options:
See the value and want to incoprporate the collection and "Learn While Living, Loving the journey... -Philosophy In Action- into your life style?
1. Join our Tribe, from 13th August 2024. See Home Page - "Join Now" to apply for "Full Access" from Monday 5th August 2024.
Want to be a part member, and have a go?
2. Get instant access to the Annual family FUN pack today.
Reduced rate til the 12th Aug, in celebration of our launch.
Side note: Tribe members (Full Access) area is limited by numbers, so if you are unsure, please consider the Annual Family FUN pack until you see the value to be a full member.
Our Values:
Inspire each individual through curious and fun materials that provoke "Experiential Learning" so to Learn While Living, Loving the journey...
Cost & Inclusions:
For about $50 per term - your immediate family / per house-hold, gains:
Access to Worldschool Tribe Collection, Worldschool Wisdom, Life Cycle Learning Go-To-Guide 400, + Free complimentary 1:1 25minute Mentor session and more monthly releases.
No need to buy individual memberships for families up to 6 children! 6+ children, please email to discuss. Fee: $197 Paid Annually, fair use policy applies and content is used for personal use only.
We appreciate everyone who chooses to join Worldschool Tribe and consider Tribe and site safety a high priority. To become a (Full Access) member, follow the process and you will receive a notification by email once your application has been finalised. Ideally, Worldschool Tribe (Full Access) would suit families who see the value in our philosophy in action, "Learn While Living, Loving the journey..." so to entwine such in their live and learn lifestyle, either grouned or on the go Roadschooling or Worldschooling, and seek to benefit from Worldschool Wisdom Mentorship, literature, events and more revealed inside.
The Worldschool Tribe Collection, quantity of resources will be announced soon. Thank you for your patients, and to get the pack access below to get started!
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Your data is yours, and we never monetize or track it for advertisement purposes either. Browse with privacy for peace of mind :)
Affiliated Brand:
Global Adventure Games®
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